The Video Interview Part Two: Being Interviewed by Rich McEwen, TVG Media Specialist There are techniques you can use as the subject of a video interview to make sure you communicate your message in a way that is concise and easy to edit. Know your story. Know in advance what your key message points are Read More

The Interview: Part 1 – You, the Interviewer

The Video Interview Part One: You, the Interviewer by Rich McEwen, TVG Media Specialist Whether you’re interviewing a Fortune 500 CEO or a local spelling bee champion, good interviewing skills are vital. A clear and concise story is the goal for both the interviewer and interviewee. In part one I will share some of my Read More

How to Write a Press Release

Crafting a Press Release: Six Steps to Keep in Mind By Andrew Woodcock, TVG Account Executive The backbone to being a good PR pro is being a good writer. I’ve heard it countless times: if you don’t know how to write, you won’t be hired by a PR firm. And it makes sense: writing is Read More

Think Typos Don’t Matter? Think Again.

Think Typos Don’t Matter? Think Again. By Laura Vandiver, TVG Vice President of Research and Strategic Insight I overheard a conversation the other day while working out at the gym. A woman I had seen there before—let’s call her Cindy—was telling someone about how she works in PR. Cindy was annoyed that her client called Read More

The Reality of Crisis Communications

The Reality of Crisis Communications By Andy Likes, TVG Senior Vice President In light of the recent events in the media, we wanted to share this piece written last year by our crisis communications and reputation management pro, Andy Likes. Not “If,” but “When” Throughout my 20+ years in broadcast journalism and public relations, I’ve Read More

The Importance of Media Literacy in the Age of “Fake News”

The Importance of Media Literacy in the Age of “Fake News” By Donna Vandiver, TVG President & CEO and Laura Vandiver, TVG VP of Research & Strategic Insight Long before there was “fake news”, there was disinformation, propaganda and censorship. Many Americans are able to evaluate and decide if something they are reading is real or Read More

Why is Corporate Reputation So Important?

Corporate Reputation By Donna Vandiver, President & CEO At TVG we do a lot of crisis communications work, so we are constantly assessing the damage a crisis can do to a client’s reputation and image. Why is Corporate Reputation So Important? November 14th, 2017Heather James

Finding Solutions to Violent Crime in St. Louis

Help Reduce Violent Crime in St. Louis By Donna Vandiver, President & CEO TVG employees had a day of community service this year on Martin Luther King Day. Over the past several years, TVG has worked closely with the St. Louis Initiative to Reduce Violence (SIRV) to donate our time and services. Finding Solutions to Read More