
Cause Marketing is Important to Millennials, Too

Cause Marketing & Millenials By Madeleine Smith The term “cause marketing” was coined in the 1970’s. However, it’s increasingly important today for companies to support a cause or sponsor a charity. If you want proof that cause marketing is on the rise, it’s in the numbers. Engageforgood.com tracks several consumer studies, all of which support the Read More

The Importance of Media Literacy in the Age of “Fake News”

The Importance of Media Literacy in the Age of “Fake News” By Donna Vandiver, TVG President & CEO and Laura Vandiver, TVG VP of Research & Strategic Insight Long before there was “fake news”, there was disinformation, propaganda and censorship. Many Americans are able to evaluate and decide if something they are reading is real or Read More

The Business of Storytelling

The Business of Storytelling By Andy Likes, TVG Senior Vice President Over the last 11+ years in PR, I’ve had the opportunity to work with nearly every type of subject matter expert, including doctors, engineers, lawyers, financial planners and everything in between. One thing is certain with subject matter experts- they know their job and Read More

Going the Distance for Girls on the Run: The Queeny Meanie

The Queeny Meanie By Laura Vandiver, TVG VP of Research Every year on Dr. Martin Luther King Day, we honor a man who championed civil rights so that others could have opportunities, experience freedom and equality, and feel a sense of community. Here at TVG, we spend MLK Day serving our community in some way Read More

Random Acts of Kindness, Inspired by Dr. King

Random Acts of Kindness: TVG Day of Service By Patty Olsen, TVG Senior Project Manager Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day was more than just a single day of giving back to the community where I have lived, worked and flourished. It was an opportunity to model what principled citizenship looks like to my elementary-age Read More

TVG’s 2017 Day of Service: St. Patrick Center

What Are You Doing For Others? TVG Day of Service By Andy Likes, TVG Senior Vice President For more than 20 years, TVG has been giving back to clients in St. Louis and across the country. When you look at dollars and hours donated over that time, our firm and our employees have given more than $3 Read More

College Athletes in the ‘Real World’: What Lacrosse Taught me about Work Ethic, Leadership and Accepting Challenges

College Athletes in the ‘Real World’ By Annie Spewak, TVG Intern Up until a year ago, my life revolved around lacrosse. My dedication to the game often dictated everything I did from my social life to my class schedule, but it also earned me a scholarship to play Division I in college. Over the years, Read More

So, You Want to Start a Blog…

So, You Want to Start a Blog… By Katie Miller, TVG Account Executive So, you want to start a blog? If you answered “yes” to this question, chances are you follow several blogs that have made you think, “I want to do that!” Whether they’re about food, travel, fitness, fashion and beauty, or pets, a Read More

The Art and Science of the Exhibit Hall: Presentation Skills for Conferences

Presentation Skills for Conferences By Andy Likes, TVG Vice President How many of you have been to a conference in the last year? You probably remember lots of helpful breakout sessions and keynote speakers you’d love to hear again. Now what about the exhibit hall? The Art and Science of the Exhibit Hall: Presentation Skills Read More

Make Kindness a Habit

Kindness By Laura Vandiver, TVG VP of Research & Strategic Insight The election is finally over, and the holiday season is upon us. How are you feeling after more than a year of contentious campaigning, mudslinging, angry rhetoric and political commercials? Drained? Stressed? Maybe a little mean? Make Kindness a Habit October 10th, 2017Heather James