It’s a technique that’s been used for years by public relations firms and marketing companies: pitch a news story idea or subject matter expert to a media outlet in the hopes that they’ll talk with and/or about your client in a positive light. It’s a proven method for helping to shape the public’s (or the Read More
Public Relations Industry
What does the Media want in Times of Crisis?
The sudden onset of the coronavirus pandemic this spring caught most business owners and organizational leaders by surprise. Seemingly overnight, they were forced to make very important decisions, including how to keep their employees and volunteers working, whether to remain open to the public, and, in some cases, whether or not to trim payroll through Read More
What Coronavirus Means for your E-commerce Business
As a partner of PROI Worldwide, TVG has access to hundreds of other PR professionals across the globe. One of our partners in Thailand, Midas PR, is a guest on our blog today. Read below what the coronavirus means for those with e-commerce business. As the coronavirus continues to spread and wreak havoc on businesses Read More
Are You Memorable? If You Can Tell a Good Story, Chances are Yes!
Think about the last time you went to a convention or conference. What was the most memorable part? Was it a speaker, a certain booth or a sponsor giveaway? If you remember certain things but not others, it may be because you didn’t find the rest of the items memorable At TVG, we coach our Read More
How to Create a Compelling External Newsletter
External Company Newsletters: A Guide Last month we talked about internal company newsletters and what your employees want to know. Now, it’s time to think about your external company newsletter. But where do you start? First things first. Think about your audience- the community around you, the people who are connected to your company, and Read More
Do Your Research FIRST!
By Laura R. Vandiver, Senior Research Strategist I can’t tell you how many times clients come to me and say “We launched a blog but we’re not getting any response from our target group,” or, “We have been offering our new product for several months, but our marketing efforts are falling flat.” The first question Read More
Five Cause Marketing Campaigns that Made Waves in 2018
by TVG Staff Every year, we see public relations campaigns that have a big impact on society. When campaigns combine philanthropic efforts with awareness– also called cause marketing– they can make major waves in our lives. Many businesses had a great year in 2018 for not only ‘talking the talk’ but also ‘walking the walk.’ Here are five of our favorite cause marketing campaigns from 2018: McDonald’s Flip Day for International Women’s Day McDonald’s Read More
Part 1: PR Buzzwords
by TVG Staff The business world is notorious for using jargon and industry-specific language, and PR is no exception. Understanding this can help you better communicate what your company needs, or what your communication professionals are trying to tell you. Here at TVG, we’ve created a glossary of common terms used in the world of Read More
Communications Audits Explained: Part 2 – Communication Strategy
By TVG Staff So, you’re re-thinking your company’s communications strategy. Let’s say that you started with the social media audit, but now it’s time to consider other things to make your efforts more successful and achieve the goals you’ve outlined for your communications strategy. Meetings, emails, calls, texts and press releases can all be part Read More
Communications Audits Explained: Part 1- Social Media
By TVG Staff When people unaware of your company look you up, one of the first things they’ll find are your social media profiles. With that in mind, it’s important to make sure that your social media is up-to-date and accurately represents your company’s goals and culture. To make the most of social media platforms, Read More
Snapchat’s Fantastic Filters and How to Use Them
It may seem counter-intuitive to think that Snapchat, notable for its vanishing messages and stories, could have a lasting impact on an audience. Yet brand after brand have showcased their products on the app, vying for the attention of the social network’s 188 million users. While the pictures themselves may not last long, the impression Read More
TVG Celebrates 25th Anniversary
Changes over the years In the winter of 1998, most of the world was buzzing about the ongoing Winter Olympic Games being held in Nagano, Japan. But the Vandiver Group was buzzing with a different sort of news—the first community newsletter, Updates, had been written and printed for distribution. At the Olympics, the U.S. took Read More